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[Blog] Merry Christmas

Since this is a blog, I will mostly do updates on life around, her and there, blah blah blah, but I will also be posting on about commissions status, streams if possible and so on~ tags will either be Blog, art related, stream, or commissions... (more will be added depending on the occasion)

Hey Guys,

I hope you all had a wonderful day around people you love and cherish!

For me, I ate a "toutiere du lac st-jean" with my family and had lots of fun with them talking about silly stuff and plying with Christmas Crackers!

This year, all I asked for was a desk lamp to help me draw sneakily at midnight better, but at my grand surprised, I also recieved so many nice gifts from family members such as a gift card to a very well known artshop here, a new sweater, and like you can see, my own website with a personal Domain!!

I'm so excited about this website that I'm staying up past midnight to set up the website before getting the actual domain (lol).

The sweater was a bit small but I'm sure theres a way to stretch it if I dry it while putting weights on it....somehow----

Anyways, I'm currently debating over either wasting all my art money on personal drawings or save it for school material, considering I am an art student and we have to buy new material weekly ;;;;...

I guess I'll save it up sice I HAVE been talking about how I want to make life easier on my parents' wallet and so on... //looks away shamelessly

About the website, since I suck at computers and whatsoever, I will slowly be testing out it's options and apps and hopefully will build this website to be (not a waste of money) useful and a masterpiece- //slapped.

I think this is pretty much all I hav to report for today w, or maybe I'm just waaaay to tired to be writing a blog tonight, anyways,

I wish you all a very nice day~


(wah, this sounds so formal, should I really keep signing my name at the end PFFT-)

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