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Important decisions

Yesterday night I broke down.

I saw my dad walking away and called out to him, told him the truth: I wanted out of university.

I've always been a lousy writer and whenever I'd have to give in an essay, I would just await the worst to come, and with time, I lost all motivations to even try at all. It was horrible, every exams, every essays, every homeworks and assignments, every school works in general was a horrible reminder of what a failure I was, or at least, how I didn't fit in this program or place.

Ever since I was 11, I had been aspiring to only one thing, become a mangaka.

For the past 8 years, it had been my only path in life. And even nowadays, I am aspiring to follow this path... Though.. university only felt as if every time I'd attend class, everytime I'd give my time to it, I'd be taking a very, very long way around my path, or even just...a whole new path all together. That thought alone made me even more miserable, bringing me to yesterday's breakdown.

And so, thinking about it carefully, or so I'd like to believe, I've decided to drop out of University, or at least, I'll destroy the wall it imposed on my path. Today I went to University, not attending my midterm, and went directly to the secretary asking out of this place. She then gave me a very interesting offer, letting me keep only the classes I'd actually enjoy and just do this for now... and that is exactly what I'll be doing. That being said, I now need to prove to myself.

I need to prove that this was the right choice to take.

And that is why I'll be concentrating on my own path, without the need of a diploma or whatsoever. I will concentrate the next few months to comic-creation in hopes to get somewhere with this and eventually be able to survive with the knowledge I acquired from this training: knowledge that University wasn't capable of giving me.

I will work hard, gather money, and gather support, gather the faith of people I hold dear and prove them I am capable of so much better.


That being said, I won't give up the Chorus projects I had planned. On the contrary, doing this leaves me more time to dedicate myself in giving out quality work. Though... I will probably stop involving myself in further projects that won't be supporting me financially.

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