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Hi- I'm dying--

not a big surprise tho LOL.

ANYWAYS- I got 2 midterms down, two more to go, sadly, the ones left are the hardest of all //cries on my own grave...;;

Plus, i couldn't really study well for the upcoming test and im lazy to study for the last and the hardest one AHAHAHA;;;

Sighs heavily..... At least, after tis week i got a full week off to just revive a bit, slowly but surely! OUO

Also, this surge of stress brought back my inspiration! so fun stuff eh???

Did a full illustration in a day setting, i was amazed by myself! here is a sneak peak~

Don't tell anyone but this is for a halloween collab coming up that I'll be masoing over my study break //long live the maso AYYY

Except for that, I DO have to work on this Chorus art for this group that I really can't stand anymore //SIGHHHS

and that's really killin my motivation to do anything at all.

Sorry if I've seemed like I've been ranting an awful lot lately OTL... It's just a really stressful time for me rn but ay, good stuff coming up in november! well, i mean, you guys can only see the finish product in like- december i believe?? but yeah!

a hint about the good stuff coming up~? OtomeCB

A bit too tired to talk about anything much in details, sorry LOL

Imma just return to my studies RI P.


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