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Art Style Assessment 2016-17

It's been about a year since I've last done an assessment of my art and I felt that since recently I've been striving even harder on improving on my weaknesses it was even more important for me to pull away a bit and study my approach on art for the upcoming year.

Since last october, the begining of the cycle had quite a rough start. Considering most projects I would get myself into would end up never getting posted, my motivation had taken quite a rough hit.

Though hopefully enough, slowly towards the end of the cycle, I began opening my horizons and working on new projects with a lot more leadership in hopes to get them all out which amazingly worked perfectly with me.

Of course, taking hold of the leadership meant that I also had to take on more responsabilities which wasn't ideal for my health.

Nonetheless, I regret nothing.

Getting stuff done, and done so right is the best I could ever ask.

A downside to this hold of leadership did mean in the end that I'd have to share my art workload with others which in some way stopped me from ever practicing my coloring approach, explaining how my linear approach would improve but my coloring wouldn't as much. Also, the constant waltzing from an art program to the other was rough on my coloring style since I'd have to struggle constantly with a lack of appropriate brushes.

September 2017
Mars 2017

Mars 2017 September 2017

In this exemple,

we can clearly see an improvement of the lines/style, the position handling is a lot more organic and less stiff. There is also a better understanding of line thickness control overall. The style overall has also seen quite a change in the past few months, probably due to finding new art inspirations and new goals.

Coloring-wise, it is still a bit complicated to grasp the proper feel of the texture of X object, most probably due to the wrong choice of brush settings (which, note to self, I should really get started on understanding those settings by now). Although, I'd like to think my skin and eye shading has improved in a way that it blends in more with the style of the overall body. Compared to Mars, my coloring approach is a lot more about contouring and building a shape instead of concentrating the technique on high contrasts.


A great addition to my art, in my own honest opinion, was how I began concentrating on more peculiar details such as fades out and overall sharpening at the end of the work which gives out a very professional and sleek feel to the drawings (doing so also helps the art blend in a lot cleaner in the animation!)

Goals for next Cycle's assessment

I'm hoping to get to improve a lot more on my coloring technique. Find the proper brushes and gain a deeper knowledge of color selection overall.

Line-wise, I think I should definetely try and improve on the relaxed aspect of the body since so far, most characters i would draw would be posing in ways that would be quite hard to keep in real life.

Hoping to work on more backgrounds might be too much to ask for now, considering I barely have time for myself anymore, though hoping to perhaps work on a background or two this year would be great!

And with that, I hope to keep this improvement going on~

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