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The Maths of Art

I'm sure I'm not the only artist who's come across a pesant who's asked for free art proclaiming it should be a piece of cake for us to do it for them. After all, we're artists, we should know that art is easy!

Well, I'm not going to deny art has came to a point, speaking for myself, where doing it isn't as time costing as it used to be. Neither is it as complicated as I once deemed it was. But every solution has its explanation, now, let me explain you my take on this problem.

Art is the outcome of a sequence of thought and logic along with muscle memory that the body and mind of an artist has came to grasp through many years of practice and studies of what they draw. And Let me emphasize on the word MANY years.

Not only does art demand a certain dexterity and flexibility from the hands of the artist, but it also demand a decent relation between the logic we perceive and the lines that the hand can draw out from that logic. I hope some artist can relate to my words, but if you don't, it just proves the title of this blog:

"Art is just as complicated as Maths".

And just like Maths, you can always try and solve some complicated formulas with your current knowledge but without the exact answer of the formula, 99 times out of 100 you will get the answer wrong. "Why is the other eye not the same?" or "why is the head too big?" These are stuff you get to understand with time, with countless tries and failures until you find the correct formula of how you can achieve perfection to your own ideals. But it doesn't stop there. Once you get a grasp of this ideal, then comes the time where you must try and redo that same achievement over and over again until this golden formula gets imprinted in your muscle memory.

Art is easy to do wrong, and might be awfully hard to grasp well, but once you get the logic of the formulas down along with muscle memory, everything becomes easier.

Here comes a time where you've found your own style and you don't feel this constant need to improve, and there is your peak as an artist. The moment where people will proclaim to you "art is easy".

Yes, Art is Easy, though if you are asking me to draw something you consider yourself easy, then why don't you try doing so yourself? It's easy right? No need to have someone else do your job for yourself.

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