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Updates of productivity!

Lately I've been going through a nasty art block and it was reaaaally frustrating. Not only that, but since I've reached 600+ subs I wanted to do a "thank you" cover but the song I chose is very hard for me to sing.. then mixing it is a living hell pfft-

But anyways, now the mix is going for the best, slowly- I might redo my addlibs but it's nothing I HAVE to do so ufufufu- =v=*

I received the art for the cover I wanted to do of the song "Dreams of a Small Garden" and it is beautiful!

I can't wait in posting that cover! Maybe for a "700 thank you" UFUFUFUF~

After rushing through LSO art, I went down a baaad art block or more like every drawings i would do would disgust me- and then I got the idea to accept a commission to keep arting bit while i still can- AAAAND- THIS is a little preview of what I have done so far!!

Another good news- A Chorus I arted for a year ago finally posted the animation! It's very beautiful I'm so honored I got to work with such talented and amazing people!!

Please check it out!! <3 (sorry for the old art tho)

and yeah- I forgot if I wanted to say anything else so PFFT AHAHAHAHAH BYE


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