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Screw my computer


long time no chat????

Yesterday, my audition trial ran out and I tried getting audition to work through shameful ways and guess what? I caught a bad virus which brought me to delete ALL and clean my computer of

any traces I could've ever left it.

Gladly, I managed to save the most important drawings which were art for a duet, art of a chorus due

in a few days/weeks(?), and art for school finals!

But- I forgot to save the audio for the duet and my next cover so I might be rendered unable to post covers or collaborations in the next week //bows in apology.

Today, as I got a wake up call from my computer, I did a 6 hours marathon to advance these drawing the

best I could. The sooner done, the sooner I'll feel like I can post it and give it in to the people who need it. After that, may the viruses come back I won't care as much AHAHA//sweats.

Here is a preview of how far I got with one illustration due for class!

And here is one I previously finished:

I also decided to buy SAI once and for all since I love the program so much: It feels wrong not to pay for an affordable program that we use almost daily...

Sadly, I can't say the same about audition since it's so costly and I have no sources of incomes... ;;;;

Anyways, I've slowly been advancing my essay due monday (just started and I am currently at 200/1200words in so I think I'll definetely make it out safely. What worries me the best is my english essay. It isn't due before May 6th but I can't come up with a theme where I can find at least 4 peer reviewed texts.... what to do what to do... //rolls around/

Anyways, 500 words today and 500 more words on sunday and I should be done with this stupid art history essay!

Wish me luck cause in the next two days I have to: write my essay, finish lines for 1 full solo (+mix/encode) and for a duet with the beautiful Marie. Hopefully, I can also manage to find my theme for english class.....


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